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作者:佚名 发布时间: 2016年05月25日 来源:本站原创


On the root of the abuse of antibiotics,harm and the rational use of strategy research

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摘要:目的:分析抗生素的应用现状,并探讨抗生素滥用的根源和危害,围棋合理应用提供有效的策略,进而保证抗生素应用的安全性。方法:选取2014年2月至2015年9月间该院1000张门诊处方作回顾分析,计算处方中涉及的抗生素 DUI、DDDs,并对临床数据进行统计分析。结果:1000张门诊抗生素处方中,合理用药占99.8%,但仍存在0.2%的不合理应用抗生素情况,对比结果存在明显统计学差异。结论:临床医生依据病人的实际情况,并结合临床实验室检查结果合《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》作抗生素合理给药,有效促进抗生素的合理应用,降低不合理用药引起的医患纠纷发生率,进而保障患者的生活质量和促进治疗。

Abstract:Objective:to analysis the present situation of the application of antibiotics,and discuss the root cause and harm of antibiotics abuse,go provide effective strategy,reasonable application and guarantee the safety of application of antibiotics.Methods:between February 201 4 to September 201 5 in our hospital 1 000 outpatient prescriptions to make retrospective analysis,computation involved in the prescription of antibiotics DUI,DDDs,and statistical analysis of clinical data.Results:1 000 outpatient antibiotic prescription,rational drug use 99.8% at hkust,single still has 0.2% of the irrational use of antibiotics,contrast the re-sults significantly statistical differences.Conclusions:clinical physicians according to patients′actual situation,combined with the clinical laboratory test results and the clinical application of antibacterial drugs guiding principles for antibiotics reasonably,effectively promote the reasonable application of antibiotics,the inci-dence of medical disputes caused by the irrational drug use,ensure the patient′s quality of life and promote the further treatment.


作者单位: 山东省济宁市第一人民医院药学部,山东 济宁,272000

刊 名:大家健康(中旬版)

年,卷(期):2016, (2)



Keywords:AntibioticsRational drug use.HarmThe quality of life


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